Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is "Modern Slavery" a Radical Thinking?

When I went for holiday last Christmas, I saw a book in my friend's place that seems very familiar except that it looks so dilapidated. I thought it's borrowed from the library. I took it and recognized that it was the book I gave few years back as a gift but I never read it.

Somebody told me that it was borrowed for few weeks and appeared to be read by few people. So, that explained the state of the book.

I had to read the book out of curiosity!!!

I realized that my earlier perception of "modern slavery" was well explained by the authors.

Money enslaves most of the people in modern times. Modern slaves work for money, whereas modern masters are those who let the money works for them.

The book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

My Earlier Perception of "Modern Slavery"

I have this notion that there are only few differences between modern aged and earlier civilization slaves.

Earlier civilization slaves. If a person is born slave, then he'll remain slave forever or die when his master dies. He can be sold to another master to be a slave of another person. His life depends on the person who owns him.

Modern slaves. This time of information age, we still can see a lot of slaves. Unfortunately, it's sad to say I'm one of the them. When you work for a company to earn a living, then you can be considered a slave, sort of. People who own the company are your masters. The only advantage of the modern slaves is that they can choose who can be their masters. Bottom line, the person still a slave and depends on them to live (earning a living).

The only escape route out of slavery is to become the master. It's not an easy task though.

To achieve such task, a person must learn the skills of Thick Face, Black Heart.

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