Thursday, January 25, 2007


An article stated that "Daydreaming seems to be the default setting of the human mind and certain brain regions are devoted to it...".

Daydreaming is good when we have the idle time to spare, or just to have some fantasy on something. We usually do it when we commute, whether inside the bus, train or even taxi.

But have you observed people daydreaming during work hours? The answer is most likely, Yes. You may see or catch your colleague once in a while.

But, it's weird when you see someone seems like daydreaming almost all the time!!! Are these people got nothing to do? Or, simply "bu chap" and just waiting for the payday!!! Or are they just simply staring at the space blankly? It's a million dollar question to me!!!

At the end of the day, we all know that no work has been done at all!!!

I suppose it's none of my business, and it's not my money that was wasted. (Luckily)

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