Monday, February 26, 2007


It's election year in my home country, and all politicians are trying to get all the resources and help to win.

My friend told me few weeks back that she was lured to get into politics. Though she wanted to help people in need through politics, but her husband prevented her from doing so. Reason: politics is dirty!!!

Whether to join politics or not, we still discussed hypothetically if we were to join what can we do to resolve and improve the community. We agreed to think about it, and discuss next time. Unfortunately, we were very busy and not able to discuss on what we had agreed.

We only manage to say 'hello' or 'how are you doing?' from time to time, but not much discussion due to conflict of schedule or different time zones.

Recently, somebody asked me that if I were a leader, what steps can I suggest to resolve conflicts Asia.

hmmm... that me thinks!!!!

Any way this is my take on the question:

Asia's conflicts are mainly due to different ideologies, religion or poverty. These differences can only be solved through dialog and not through arm struggle. Singapore can be sighted as a good example in resolving conflicts. At it's infancy as a nation, riots occurred due to the main reasons stated.

1. Poverty. Equal distribution of wealth prevents some conflicts. Equal distribution doesn't mean that everyone get equal share of money or material things, but to let everyone live comfortably with basic needs like food, clothing and roof over the head. Government will help those that really in need, and encourage people to work and make a living. Also, government minimize bureaucracy to the lowest level to minimize corruption if not really eliminating it.

2. Religion. Different beliefs must respect, understand and tolerate each other's religion to avoid conflict. In Singapore, sometimes even rituals will be done in one location for all religion. With respect and understanding, nobody will assert that their belief is better than the others. At the end of the day, everybody is just praying to God.

3. Ideologies. Dialog, discussions and understanding must be done to avoid conflict. When people starts to assert that their ideology is better than the other, then conflict is most likely to occur.

Strong political leaders are needed to resolve or avoid conflicts, and bring the country/community to development.

Easier said than done!!!

The solution stated above are over simplified, and implementing such will be bumpy along the way for some reasons.

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