A small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really are.
First used by Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) in An Essay on Criticism, 1709: "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."Source:
I heard this phrase during school days, and sometimes when there were discussions on subjects when people didn't really have so in-depth knowledge on what were being discussed.
Lately I heard a comment on how problematic a system could be. I wanted to use such phrase, but try to restrain myself in doing so. I understand the whole situation, and a good friend told me that I talk so direct that people may get offended. She further said that even if I intend to make joke or fun of it, people may not understand. So with all these, I have more reasons not to say anything.
If there's a discussion on the topic which I knew, then I may have the opportunity to show them the way.
Most often people just echoed what they heard what the other people were talking, though they didn't really fully understand what they're talking about. These people even have problems performing jobs in their own area of responsibility. Definitely, these people will have problem outside of their fields.
Anyway, the points here are:
1. Know and understand the subject matter in details.
2. Before you clean up other's backyard, you need to clean up your own backyard first.
One obvious problem/issue here is that people pretend to be the expert on things they don't even understand.
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