Wed 9PM: I left home to the airport. The flight schedule was past midnight, and I should be able to check-in within 1.5 hours by taking train including bus rides.
Around 1030PM: I went straight to the check-in counter upon arriving at the airport, and realized that the flight was re-timed to 230AM (scheduled originally 12:20AM)!!! It's annoying coz I had a ferry boat to catch up by 545AM.
"It's a delayed inbound flight...", stated the clerk manning the counter when asked the reason for the delay.
I checked in, anyway!
I called Aileen that my flight was delayed, and that I won't be able to join them (she's meeting up with our AHC queen) in the van going back to home town.
I tried to retrieved a book from my backpack, and found out I didn't have it inside! Four hours waiting time with nothing to do! The budget terminal doesn't have much to kill time unlike the other three terminals.
I ate MacDonalds, drank three cups of coffee and browsed the net. I took some random pictures, yet time seemed to have stopped! So, I decided to kill time inside the waiting area.
Inside, all seats were taken where you can watch TV (while closing the eyes???)! Internet terminals and tables were fully occupied. People playing, eating, drinking, reading... anything just to keep themselves busy.
We're on the same boat! (Bored, sleepy and tired), I said to myself (I guess, smiling a little bit).
Thu 210AM: I was energized noting that it's almost time to go! I went to the holding area, and a bit frustrated coz I didn't see the plane on the tarmac. I thought there's more delay, and suddenly the plane appeared taxiing. I got excited and already forgotten my frustration earlier on.
230AM: Seems like everybody was on board, and we're flying off in no time!
Around 05450AM: Landed in Cebu! I thought I still can catch up the ferry boat. I briskly walked to the immigration counter anticipating to get a cab, fast! The officer checked my arrival card, and asked if I'm really from Maasin. I told him so, and he said he's from Tagnipa. Anyway, we hadn't talked much coz people were already queueing.
0630: Supercat Terminal, Cebu: I checked if the ferry boat still around, and as expected it already had left port.
Sigh! All I can do was to get my refund (less 10%) and get another craft to Ormoc.
Next craft schedule: RORO (roll-on-roll-off) ship was scheduled 8AM and ETA 12NN. Fast craft: 11AM and ETA 0130PM. I decided to get on the ship coz there's not much to do at the terminal, but to sit and wait.
Breakfast time, bbq with rice and coffee, while waiting to board ship.
I ate Chippy (junk food) and drink beer (again!) on the ship, and managed to get some needed sleep for the long journey ahead.
1230PM: Welcome Ormoc City! Thinking of wandering around before taking a van coz the place looked different from the last time I was here! I can't even remember the date the last time I came to this place.
Upon reaching the bus/van terminal, I found it chaotic but orderly! People near to each other shouting for passengers, mixed with vehicles and human traffic! Maybe I'm no longer used to this type of place. I felt sad, somehow.
I looked for a place for lunch, and my feet eventually brought me to Jollibee. Eating again?! Seems like I'd been eating and drinking since last night.
SMS Tatay that I would be arriving home by night time.
After lunch, I decided to look for Rommel (classmate since grade 1). I went to their pharmacy and I was informed that he's at their marketing office. Arriving at the other place, on foot, I was informed that he's out to lunch and be back at 2PM.
20 minutes had gone by, and Rommel hadn't arrived yet. I left a message to the guard for him, and headed back to the terminal.
I thought the van schedule is every hour, however, they had to wait for all seats to be taken! I had to wait until 245PM before it left for Maasin.
While on the road, Aileen informed me that they're having a practice in a Tagnipa gym. I told her I'll go straight to the place when I arrived. It took the driver more than three hours to reach Maasin.
Sigh!I went straight to the city gym!
As I went in, I felt like a total stranger! Carrying a backpack and wearing a red cap with matching long beard, nobody recognized me! Somebody asked me if it was me in the flesh, and everybody just laughed coz they're not sure!
After hellos and how-are you, everybody seemed to be just laughing, reminiscing and drinking (of course) while dancers kept on practicing.
I informed Tatay that I was already in town, but in the gym, practicing! hahahaha! He replied for me to drop my things at home and eat dinner! I just replied, OK. :D
Beer still keep coming! whew!!!
People ordered for packed foods for dinner. Discussion ensued on where to go next! It's decided to go Joy's rest house for a party!
And so, Deve sent me home, though he's driving without license! After greeting Tatay, dropping my things and washed my face, we left for the party. I was just at home for 10 minutes tops and left!
We bought food and drinks on the way to the rest house.
Eating, dancing, drinking, laughing and singing.. we all did!
It's almost 3AM in the morning and we had to stop to be ready for the days' activities.
I reached home 3AM, drank coffee and eat snacks. Tatay and I had conversation until 4AM.
What a day! It's my longest journey going back home, and I felt the activities for past 24 hours or so, only happened in an hour! Quite a short time, I guess!
All I can think of was to take a nap.
Home sweet home!